To love and know an artist means.
A thought becomes an action
The moon is always calling his name
A smile becomes a masterpiece
The stars become a destination
A tear becomes a brainstorm
The clouds become his place of rest
His fears become his motivation
His motivation becomes his fears
His Pain becomes his strength
His heart is felt even not in his presence
Yet his heart is a battle field he keeps u away from
Without even knowing you become his muse
He probably views the world different to you
But you are his world when in his presence
His mind becomes a mine field
Flowers become his paint brushes
His Genius Becomes his imperfection
Yet his Imperfection becomes his beauty
Birds become his object of envy
The world becomes his School
And Love becomes his favourite lesson
He will feel alone alot of the time
But be patience, your soul can be the only place he truly feels at home..